Frank Schulz-Nieswandt

Zur Bedeutung der Psychodynamik für die Sozialpolitik des Alter(n)s in Forschung und reflexiver Praxis (PDF-E-Book)

Cover Zur Bedeutung der Psychodynamik für die Sozialpolitik des Alter(n)s in Forschung und reflexiver Praxis (PDF-E-Book)

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11 Seiten, PDF-E-Book

Bestell-Nr.: 20519

Die Sozialpolitikforschung handelt von sozialen Problemen und ihrer gesellschaftlichen Bewältigung im Lichte der personalen Würde und der Werte der Selbstbestimmung, Selbstständigkeit und Teilhabe. Doch weder die Probleme selbst noch die Wege zu ihrer Bewältigung können ohne ein tiefenpsychologisches Verstehen des Individuums im Kontext der Kultur des sozialen Zusammenlebens angemessen begriffen werden.

Social policy research is focused on analysis of social problems and the societal coping with such social problems from the normative-legal perspective of the anthropology of dignity and personhood and the value-orientation towards self-definition, self-management and participation as fundamental social rights. But it is impossible to understand adequately the emergence of social problems and the innovative pathways to give successful responses to the challenges without psychodynamic hermeneutics of the individuals in their context of cultural grammar of social relations. Added to different other research topics the paper is performing some examples in recourse to mechanism of apotropaic attitudes and apotropaic practices. Impressed by anxiety and disgust towards old age by imagination of animism, this mechanism will be responsible for a repressive and discriminatory hygiene regime. As examples such psychodynamic regimes will be highly relevant in the case of residential care institution of long-time nursing or in experiments of caring community-building on local levels of urban or rural regions, for example in the case of dementia or people with disabilities.