International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)

Bioenergetic Analysis (PDF-E-Book)

The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (32/2022)

Cover Bioenergetic Analysis (PDF-E-Book)



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Zeitschrift: The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (ISSN: 0743-4804)

Verlag: Psychosozial-Verlag

ca. 130 Seiten, PDF-E-Book

ISBN-13: 978-3-8379-7854-4, Bestell-Nr.: 7854

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA.

With contributions by Scott Baum, Garry Cockburn, Maria Cristina Francisco, Louise Fréchette, Diana Guest, Thomas Heinrich, Christoph Helferich, Jan Parker, Vincentia Schroeter and Guy Tonella

Bioenergetic Analysis is also available as a digital online edition here: This edition is published open access using the following CC licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0