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Achtsam und vitalUlrich Sollmann
Achtsam und vital
Stressbewältigung durch Bioenergetik
EUR 22,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Jeder reagiert anders auf Stress: Die individuelle Art und Weise, mit Belastungen umzugehen, sagt viel über das Innere des Menschen aus. Ulrich Sollmann zeigt, wie bioenergetische Körperübungen dabei helfen können, das Zusammenspiel von Körpererleben und Fühlen, Körperausdruck und Handeln zu begreifen und unser persönliches Stressprofil zu erkennen. Basierend auf der Darstellung der verschiedenen Stressprofile gibt Sollmann den Leserinnen und Lesern ein darauf abgestimmtes Trainingskonzept zum Umgang mit Belastungssituationen an die Hand. [ mehr ]

Aggression als RessourceThomas Scheskat
Aggression als Ressource
Eine verkannte Kraft neu erleben
EUR 26,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Die Aggressions-Dialog-Arbeit zielt über körperbasierte Übungssettings auf eine »Entgiftung« der Energien, die in Aggressionen enthalten sind. Sie werden so zu einer konstruktiv nutzbaren Ressource mit großer Bandbreite. Thomas Scheskat zeigt den Ansatz anschaulich mit vielen Abbildungen. [ mehr ]

Análisis BioenergéticoInstituto Internacional de Análisis Bioenergético (Ed.)
Análisis Bioenergético
Revista Clínica del Instituto Internacional de Análisis Bioenergético (28/2018)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Analyse Bioénergétique. Evolution des concepts de Relation thérapeutique, Transfert et Contre-Transfert en Analyse BioénergétiqueInstitut International d’Analyse Bioénergétique (Ed.)
Analyse Bioénergétique. Evolution des concepts de Relation thérapeutique, Transfert et Contre-Transfert en Analyse Bioénergétique
Le Journal Clinique de l’Institut International d’Analyse Bioénergétique (27/2017)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Analytische KörperpsychotherapiePeter Geißler
Analytische Körperpsychotherapie
Eine Bestandsaufnahme
EUR 39,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Durch den Einfluss der zeitgenössischen Säuglings- und Kleinkindforschung und der Neurowissenschaften hat sich die Kluft zwischen Bioenergetischer Analyse und Psychoanalyse verringert. Auf der Grundlage eigener Erfahrungen in beiden Therapieansätzen versucht der Autor Brückenschläge in Richtung eines neuen Ansatzes, der analytischen Körperpsychotherapie, zu schlagen. [ mehr ]

Arbeit am TonfeldHeinz Deuser
Arbeit am Tonfeld
Der haptische Weg zu uns selbst
EUR 39,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Seit über 40 Jahren ist die Arbeit am Tonfeld eine bewährte und wirksame Methode, um Entwicklungen gezielt nachzuholen, Verhaltensauffälligkeiten auszugleichen und ureigene Potenziale der Persönlichkeit zu entfalten. Die Arbeit am Tonfeld ist somit nicht symptomorientiert, sondern eröffnet einen Raum für das Verständnis der eigenen Grenzen, Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten. Heinz Deuser, Begründer der Arbeit am Tonfeld, gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die konkrete Praxis und das Theoriefundament dieser haptischen Therapie. [ mehr ]

Auf die Welt gekommenThomas Harms (Hg.)
Auf die Welt gekommen
Die neuen Baby-Therapien
EUR 39,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Thomas Harms zeigt verschiedene Wege auf, die in der körperbasierten Psychotherapie mit traumatisierten Säuglingen und ihren Eltern gegangen werden, und richtet sich somit gleichermaßen an Eltern, (Körper-)PsychotherapeutInnen und Hebammen. Lebendige Fallberichte geben einen faszinierenden Einblick in die Grundlagen und Störungen früher Entwicklungs- und Bindungsprozesse von Eltern und Säuglingen. [ mehr ]

Befreite LebensenergieDavid Boadella
Befreite Lebensenergie
Einführung in die Biosynthese
EUR 34,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Die von David Boadella begründetet und zusammen mit Silvia Specht-Boadella entwickelte Biosynthese ist eine ressourcenorientierte und ganzheitliche Körperpsychotherapie. In seiner Einführung in die Biosynthese fasst Boadella seine langjährigen Erfahrung zu einem richtungsweisenden Modell von Krankheitsentstehung und Therapie zusammen. [ mehr ]

Bend into ShapeVincentia Schroeter, Barbara Thomson
Bend into Shape
Techniques for Bioenergetic Therapists
EUR 79,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bend into Shape is the only complete compilation of both classic and modern Bioenergetic techniques. Bioenergetics is a form of somatic psychotherapy created by Alexander Lowen in 1957 and practiced world-wide. The book covers interventions based on body segments, character type, emotions, and various populations such as couples, children and the elderly. The book considers up to date modern issues such as the relational model, including ways to work with transference and countertransference in psychotherapy. It is designed for students of somatic psychotherapy as well as certified Bioenergetic therapists. The authors are both long time Bioenergetic therapists and experienced trainers in the field. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (28/2018)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (33/2023)
EUR 22,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (32/2022)
EUR 19,90

Dieser Titel ist derzeit vergriffen.

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (24/2014)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (25/2015)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

The current edition contains five original papers of interest to therapists. Christoph Helferich continues the dialogue about the place of modern Body psychotherapy in today's global village. Garet Bedrosian compares couples therapy from Bioenergetics as well as Imago Relationship Theory (IRT) and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Giuseppe Cardezza explores the dynamics of shame particularly during body oriented therapeutic interventions. Vita Heinrich-Clauer provides an argument for and Bioenergetic techniques for use in self-care of the therapist. Finally, Wera Fauser provides research and rich clinical material on the impact and importance of pre-natal and peri-natal trauma on the individual in psychotherapy. As this is the 30th year and 25th edition, there is an essay of writings tracing the journey of this journal, written by past and recent editors. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (26/2016)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (22/2012)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (17/2007)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

0 [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (19/2009)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (23/2013)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (27/2017)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

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