edition psychosozial

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Psychoanalytisch orientierte Familien- und SozialtherapiePeter Möhring, Terje Neraal (Hg.)
Psychoanalytisch orientierte Familien- und Sozialtherapie
Das Gießener Konzept in der Praxis
EUR 29,90

Dieser Titel ist derzeit vergriffen.

Nach langjähriger Tätigkeit auf dem Gebiet der Familien- und Sozialtherapie legen die Herausgeber und Autoren eine grundlegende Einführung in beziehungsdynamisches und therapeutisches Denken und Handeln vor. Gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt ist das von Horst-Eberhard Richter formulierte sozialtherapeutische Prinzip, dass in Reflexion und Intervention das soziale Feld und die Gegenübertragung des Therapeuten einzubeziehen sind. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (24/2014)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bildung für alleWillehad Lanwer (Hg.)
Bildung für alle
Beiträge zu einem gesellschaftlichen Schlüsselproblem
EUR 29,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger gehen im vorliegenden Buch nicht nur der Frage nach, was heute mit »Bildung für alle« gemeint ist, sondern analysieren aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven die Relevanz dieser Themenstellung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden die Aspekte Integration und Inklusion sowie die Bedeutung der Sprache in der Pädagogik. [ mehr ]

Análise BioenergéticaInstituto Internacional de Análise Bioenergética (Ed.)
Análise Bioenergética
Revista Clìnica do Instituto Internacional de Análise Bioenergética (25/2015)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Análise Bioenergética, a Revista Clínica do IIBA, é publicada anualmente e distribuída a todos os membros da organização internacional. Seu propósito é promover a elaboração de conceitos teóricos e científicos, fazer ligações para ampliar a comunicação e aumentar nossa conexão com outras escolas de terapia, bem como com a psicologia acadêmica, medicina e outras abordagens psicossomáticas.Tem sido publicada, em Inglês desde 1985, o que a torna a mais antiga revista do IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (25/2015)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

The current edition contains five original papers of interest to therapists. Christoph Helferich continues the dialogue about the place of modern Body psychotherapy in today's global village. Garet Bedrosian compares couples therapy from Bioenergetics as well as Imago Relationship Theory (IRT) and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Giuseppe Cardezza explores the dynamics of shame particularly during body oriented therapeutic interventions. Vita Heinrich-Clauer provides an argument for and Bioenergetic techniques for use in self-care of the therapist. Finally, Wera Fauser provides research and rich clinical material on the impact and importance of pre-natal and peri-natal trauma on the individual in psychotherapy. As this is the 30th year and 25th edition, there is an essay of writings tracing the journey of this journal, written by past and recent editors. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (26/2016)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

Bioenergetic AnalysisInternational Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (Ed.)
Bioenergetic Analysis
The Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (27/2017)
EUR 19,90

Sofort lieferbar.
Lieferzeit (D): 2-3 Werktage

Bioenergetic Analysis, the Clinical journal of the IIBA is published annually and is distributed to all members of the international organization. Its purpose is to further elaborate theoretical and scientific concepts and to make links to enhance communication and broaden our connection with other schools of therapy, as well as with academic psychology, medicine, and other psychosomatic schools of thought. The journal publishes reports on empirical research, theoretical papers, and case studies. Some local IIBA societies produce journals in their native languages. This journal has been published in English since 1985, making it the oldest journal for the IIBA. [ mehr ]

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