Jörn W. Scheer, Kenneth W. Sewell (Eds.)

Creative Construing (PDF-E-Book)

Personal Constructions in the Arts

Cover Creative Construing (PDF-E-Book)

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Buchreihe: Forschung Psychosozial

Verlag: Psychosozial-Verlag

216 Seiten, PDF-E-Book

ISBN-13: 978-3-8379-6763-0, Bestell-Nr.: 6763

The Psychology of Personal Constructs, as devised by the American psychologist George Kelly, stresses the importance of the meanings that individuals attach to persons and events in the world surrounding them. Originating in clinical psychology, it has increasingly attracted the interest of scholars and practitioners working in education, in organisations, and in other disciplines working with people. As there are hardly more »personal« processes than creative ones, it seems appropriate to look at the arts from a personal construct psychology perspective. This book presents for the first time analyses of creative processes, but it features also personal accounts by creative people – who write, sing, dance, act, and make music.